Buzzard Lake is our Specimen Carp Lake it consists of 12 permanent pegs with plenty of marginal features through out additional to this is a Gravel Bar which runs straight through the middle of the Lake. These features have been placed purposely to make the rest of the lake snag free. The Carp in here grow big so your tackle has to be up to the task. Rod and line is a recommended attack with best baits being Sweetcorn, Luncheon Meat, Boilies, Bread Flake, Prawns, Pellets and Worms. There is approximately 50 Carp in Buzzard running to 28lb but there is lots in the 10-15lb bracket these fish have been purposely chosen and grown on to provide the Anglers with Beautiful fish in Beautiful Surroundings. There will be additional fish added to this lake when the correct fish become available.
Buzzard Lake is a Members Only Lake and unhooking mats must be used.